Year School Speakers/Topics Director Place



Marco Avella: Differentially private statistical inference
Mathieu Rosenbaum: From earthquakes to rough volatility
Rajen Shah: Conditional independence: Graphical models, causal inference and double machine learning

C. Mazza Les Diablerets



Bartek Blaszczyszyn: Ergodic Learning of Spatial Geometric Structures
Roland Langrock: Hidden Markov models
Antonietta Mira: How can Bayesian statistics help in dimensionality reduction?

C. Mazza Anzère



Mariana Olvera-Cravioto: Processes on random graphs: Modeling the web, social networks and opinion dynamics
Sofia Olhede: Estimation and dependence in space and time
Simon Wood: Generalized additive models

C. Mazza Les Diablerets



Tom Britton: Stochastic and statistical modelling of epidemic outbreaks
Po-ling Loh: Robust statistics
José Zubizaretta: Causal Inference

C. Mazza Saignelégier



Christian Robert: Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, from an introduction to recent advances
Olivier Wintenberger: Extreme values for time series
Philippe Rigollet: Statistical Optimal Transport

C. Mazza Les Diablerets



Aaditya Ramdas: game-theoretic statistics and safe anytime-valid inference
Johannes Schmidt-Hieber: Statistical theory for deep neural networks
Bin Yu: Veridical data science and interpretable machine learning towards trustworthy AI

S. Engelke Saignelégier



Jose Blanchet: Distributional robustness/Optimal Transport Statistics
Julie Josse: Overview of methods for handling missing values
Leonhard Held: Design and Analysis of Replication Experiments - with an introduction to the R package ReplicationSuccess

S. Engelke Les Diablerets
+ On line



Afonso S. Bandeira: Community Detection in Networks and other Inference Problems: Statistical and Computational considerations
Henry Lam: Variance Reduction and Rare-Event Simulationn
Yves Tillé: Sampling from Finite Populations

S. Engelke Les Diablerets



Anthony Davison: Bootstrap Methods and their Application
Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir: Forecast evaluation
Yoav Zemel: Introduction to Optimal transport in statistics

S. Engelke On line (due to Covid-19)



Michael Bronstein: Minicourse on Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds - Numerical computation for statistics
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter: Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models - The Bayesian perspective
Johan Segers: "Empirical Processes with Applications in Statistics"

S. Engelke Villars-sur-Ollon



Finn Lindgren: Numerical computation for statistics
Ryan Tibshirani: Convex Optimization for Statistics and Machine Learning
Darren Wilkinson: Statistical computing for systems biology

Y. Tillé Villars-sur-Ollon



Mustafa Khammash: Probabilistic Methods for Biochemical Reaction Networks
Jonas Peters: Causality in Statistics
Alastair Young: Principled statistics for data science

Y. Tillé Les Diablerets



Yoav Benjamini: Selective Inference
Claudia Czado: Analyzing dependent data with vine copulas
Ingrid Van Keilegom: Survival analysis : from basic concepts to open research questions

Y. Tillé Villars-sur-Ollon
2018 Winter Patrice Bertail: Survey sampling for non-parametric statistics and big-data
Peter Bühlmann: Statistics for High-Dimensional Data
Adele Cutler: Random Forests, Then and Now
Y. Tillé Les Diablerets
2017 Summer Sudipto Banerjee: High-dimensional Bayesian Geostatistics
Andrew Harvey: Modelling Volatility
Jonathan Taylor: Critical points of random functions: geometry and inference
Y. Tillé Villars-sur-Ollon
2017 Winter Christian Robert: Approximate computational tools and statistical models
Philip Stark: Uncertainty Quantification: statistics + wishful thinking
Rasmus Waagepetersen: Statistical models and methods for spatial point processes
Y. Tillé Les Diablerets
2016 Summer Raymond Carroll: Measurement Error Modeling: Statistical Analysis When Predictors/Responses Cannot Be Ascertained Without Uncertainty
Davy Paindaveine: From statistical depth to multivariate quantiles
Shaun Seaman: The Analysis of Incomplete Data
V. Chavez Villars-sur-Ollon
2016 Winter

Victor Panaretos: Spectral analysis of functional data
Nancy Reid: Likelihood inference and related topics
Peter Green: Graphical models and Bayesian structural learning

V. Chavez Les Diablerets
2015 Summer R. Tibshirani: Supervised learning, sparse modelling and selective inference
Martin Mäschler: How to write an R package with a view towards reproducibility ?
Leo. Held: Objective Bayesian model selection in regression
V. Chavez Ovronnaz
2015 Spring Di Cook: Data Visualization: Discover, Explore and be Skeptical
S. Lauritzen: Gaussian Graphical Models
A. Doucet: Sequential Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian Computation
V. Chavez Les Diablerets
2014 Summer R. Samworth: High-dimensional statistical inference
T. Mikosch: Heavy Tail Phenomena
J.N.K. Rao/Isabel Molina: Small Area Estimation: Methods and Applications
V. Chavez Leukerbad
2014 Spring H.R. Kuensch: State space models, filtering and environmental applications
A. Owen: Lectures on Empirical Likelihood
S. Wood: Additive smooth modelling with reduced rank splines
V. Chavez Les Diablerets
2013 Summer G. Molenberghs: Hierarchical data and mixed models
J.S. Marron: Object oriented data analysis
A.E. Raftery: Bayesian model selection in social research
S. Sardy Ovronnaz
2013 Spring R. Koenker: Quantile regression
E. Ronchetti: Robust statistics
P.J. Diggle: Extending model-based geostatistics
S. Sardy Les Diablerets
2012 Summer M. Kenward: The Analysis of missing data
Ch. Genest: Introduction to Copula Modeling and its Impementation in R
Ray Chambers: Model-Based Survey Sampling Inference
S. Sardy Ovronnaz
2012 Spring R.A. Davis: Time series modeling
B.P. Carlin: Bayesian adaptive methods for clinical trials
N. Hengartner: Modeling correlated neutrons
S. Sardy Les Diablerets
2011 Summer R.A. Bailey: Design of experiments
T.A.B. Snijders: Statistical models for dynamics of social networks
E. Candès: Matrix completion via convex optimization
S. Sardy Ovronnaz
2011 Spring C. Kooperberg (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA)
M. Wainwright (University of California, Berkeley)
J. Teugels (Université catholique de Louvain)
S. Sardy Les Diablerets
2010 Summer L. Cavalier: Inverse problems in statistics
A. Cutler: Random forests for regression and classification
G. Claeskens: Model selection
S. Sardy Ovronnaz
2010 Spring P. Bürgisser: Smoothed Analysis of Condition Numbers
N. Cressie: Spatial Statistics
M. Drton: Algebraic Statistics
S. Sardy Les Diablerets
2009 Summer D. Brillinger: Random trajectories: some theory and applications
A. Christmann: Support vector machines
L. Lyons: Statistical problems in particle physics
C. Mazza Ovronnaz
2009 Spring T. Hastie: Statistical Learning
A. Shiryaev: A Short Course on Option Pricing
E. Wit: Statistical Methods for Microarrays
C. Mazza Les Diablerets
2008 Summer Y. Ait-Sahalia: Inference for Discretely-Sampled Continuous-Time Models in Finance
S. Asmussen: Computational methods in insurance risk
D. Picard: A Short Course on Wavelets
C. Mazza Ovronnaz
2008 Spring F. Delbaen: Risk measures
M. Goldstein: Bayesian methodology
M. Suchard: Biomathematics
C. Mazza Villars-sur-Ollon
2007 Summer R. Carroll: Retrospective sampling and gene-environment interaction studies
S. van der Geer: Empirical processes theory and applications in nonparametric statistics
J. Taylor: Statistical applications of geometry and random fields
C. Mazza Ovronnaz
2007 Spring S. Morgenthater: Statistical genetics
G. Saporta: Classification Supervisée
J. Silverstein: random matrices
C. Mazza Les Diablerets
2006 Summer R. Boys: Statistics in systems biology
J. Ramsay: Functional data analysis
J.N.K. Rao: Recent developments in sample surveys
A.C. Davison Ovronnaz
2006 Spring H. Rue: Gaussian markov random fields
R. Henderson: Event history analysis
V. Isham: Modelling epidemics
A.C. Davison Les Diablerets
2005 Summer D.W. Nychka: Smoothing and Spatial Data: hedging on a Bayesian perspective
D.B. Applebaum: Lévy processes and applications
P. McCullagh: Some topics in statistical modelling
A.C. Davison Ovronnaz
2005 Spring C. Holmes: Bayesian nonparametric regression
K. Worsley: (a) The geometry of random image in astrophysics and brain mapping
(b) Detecting changes in brain shape, scale and connectivity via the geometry of random fields
(c) Recent advances in random field theory
E.I. George: Model Uncertainty, Selection and Combination
A.C. Davison Villars-sur-Ollon
2004 Summer A. Agresti: Analysis of repeated categorical measurement data
M. Kimmel: Branching processes in biology
J. Moller: Inference for spatial point processes
A.C. Davison Ovronnaz
2004 Spring Y. Benjamini: Multiple comparisons
I. Dryden: Statistics of Shape
A.C. Davison: Conditional and marginal inference
S. Morgenthaler: Méthodes statistique pour lisser un tableau à deux voies
A.C. Davison Les Diablerets
2003 Summer Adelchi Azzalini: Basic theory and some specialised topics
V.L. Girko: Random Matrices and their Applications
A.K. Gupta: idem
M. Tenehaus: Les Méthodes PLS
Y. Dodge Villars-sur-Ollon
2003 Spring E. Arjas: Causal reasoning from longitudinal data
Ch.P. Robert: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
A. Bengio: Statistical Machine Learning
Y. Dodge Les Diablerets
2003 Winter G.J. McLachlan: Mixture models, EM algorithm
D.S. Stoffer: Financial time series
S. Gsteiger Villars-sur-Ollon
2002 Summer D.B. Percival: Wavelet Analysis of Discrete Time Series
A.T. Walden: (joint with D.B. Percival)
A. Gualtierotti Les Rasses
2002 Spring J.A. Wellner: Empirical processes in statistics: methods, examples, further problems
R.L. Smith: Environmental statistics
A.D. Barbour: Poisson approximation and Stein's method
A. Gualtierotti Champéry
2001 Summer T. Speed: Computational biology for statisticians
R.L. Wolpert: Spatial Bayesian biostatistics
? Les Rasses
2001 Spring J. Jureckova: Statistical tests based on ranks
A. Gelman: Bayesian statistics
N. Keiding: Statistical models based on counting processes
S. Morgenthaler Champéry
2000 Summer O. Dette: Optimal design for nonlinear regression models
T. Mikosch: Modelling financial time series
S. Morgenthaler Crans-Montana
2000 Spring A. S. Hedayat: Orthogonal arrays
S. Tavare: Mathematical genetics
M. Taqqu: Long-range dependence
S. Morgenthaler Villars-sur-Ollon
1999 Summer S. Senn: Cross-over Trials in Clinical Research
J. Beran: Long-range Dependence
S. Morgenthaler Le Brassus (F)
1999 Spring Y.L. Grize: A review of Robust process design approaches
A. Harvey: Times Series Models and the Kalman filter
E. Yaschin: Sequential Methods in Industrial Statistics
F. Streit
G. Antille
1998 Spring A. Morabia: Statistical Models for Longitudinal Data
P. Morettin: Wavelets in Statistics
S. Zeger: Longitudinal Research in the Health Sciences
M. Titterington: Statistics and Neural Networks
F. Streit
G. Antille
1997 Winter R. Chambers: The "Model Based" approach to sample survey estimation
N. Cressie: Statistics for Spatial Data
S. Richardson: Spatial Statistics in epidemiology
H. Carnal Villars-sur-Ollon
1996 Winter M. Casalis: Flexible Regression and Classification
T. Hastie: Generalized additive models
G. Letac: Multivariate quadratic natural exponential families
D. Tyler: Multivariate statistics
H. Carnal Villars-sur-Ollon
1995 Autumn Q. Yao: Parametric Fitting of Nonlinear Time Series Models
I. Mc Leod: Models for Seasonal Time Series
O. Borgan: The counting process approach to survival and event history analysis
H. Carnal Université de Lausanne
1995 Spring J. Bernardo: Logical Inevitability of the Bayesian paradigm
M.O. Hongler: Dynamique des flux de productions industrielles et processus stochastiques
F. Hampel: Some Topics in the Foundations of Statistics
R.Y. Liu: Nonparametric Statistics: Methods Based On Resampling and Data Depth
R.M. Royall: The trouble with Statistics
Y. Dodge
J.P. Renfer
1994 Autumn R.A. Davis: Unit Root Problem in AR and MA Times Series Models
D. Draper: Lectures on Bayesian Statistics
I. Olkin: Lectures on Meta-Analysis
Y. Dodge
J.P. Renfer
1994 Spring C. Goodal: Lectures on the Statistical Analysis of shape
J. Seely: Linear Model Estimation Notes
A. Welsch: Exploring the Relationship between a Response and Covariates
M. Graf-Jacottet: ? Pas dans le programme
P. Nüesch: Les statistiques d'ordre discrètes
Y. Dodge
J.P. Renfer
1993 Autumn D. F. Andrews: A general theory for the symbolic computation of asymptotic expansions
G. Pederzoli: Random geometric configurations and their statistical distributions
F. Streit Genève
1993 Spring D. Aldous: Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Finite Graphs
S.E. Fienberg: Graphical Statistical Models, with Special Application to Contingency Table Analysis
R. Serfling: Asymptotic Methods in Statistics
Y. Dodge Crans-Montana
1992 Autumn D. J. Hand: Analysis of repeated measures data
F. Eiker: Some computer graphical tools for exploratory data analysis
A. Antille Neuchâtel
1992 Spring R. Carroll: Nonlinear measurement error models
C. Glasbey: Regression with autocorrelated errors
F. Dufresne: Collective risk models over an extended period
A. Antille Crans-Montana
1991 Autumn J. Whittaker: Graphical models in applied multivariate statistics A. Antille Fribourg
1991 Spring N. Becker: Epidemics and their Statistical treatment
D. Birkes: References on ridge and Stein regression
J.A. Nelder: Generalized Linear Models
B. Oksendal: Stochastic integration
A. Antille
J.M Helbling
1990 Spring P.J. Huber: Computing-Data Analysis
A. Gut: Renewal Theory
A. Antille Crans-Montana
1989 Spring R. Leadbetter: Six lectures on Modern Extreme Value Theory
T. Lewis: Analysis of spherical Data
T. Lindvall: ?
F. Pukelsheim: Majorization Ordering for Linear Regression Designs
P. Nuesch
J.M Helbing
1988 Spring P. Picard: ?
J. Gani: Introduction to Epidemic Modelling
P. Hettmansperger: Lectures on Nonparametrics
P. Nuesch
J.M Helbing
1987   J.N.K. Rao: Variance in sample surveys
J.C. Deville: Sondage: les principes de base
N. Roth: Concept of Dependence
C. E. Sarndal: idem
K. Joag Dev:idem
J.P. Imhof Les Diablerets
1986 Spring D.R. Cox: Statisticals Analysis of Binary Data
E.J. Snell: idem
P. Hougaard: Statisticals Analysis of Survival Data
S. Johansen: idem
J.P. Imhof Les Diablerets
1985 Spring I.M. Chakravarti: Théorie de l'information
Y. Escouffier: Algorithms for the Processing of large data matrices
L. Lebart: Traitement de grand tableau
Barra: Assistance intelligente par ordinateur en statistique
J.P. Imhof Les Diablerets
1984 Spring P. Dagnielie: Introduction aux plans d’expérience et à l’analyse de variance – Expériences répétées – Simulation
T. Calinski: Problems in analysing non-orthogonal designs – Block designs and their intrablock analysis
Y. Dodge: Analyse d’expériences avec observations manquantes
M. Graf-Jaccottet: Méthodes d’analyse factorielle en théorie des plans d’expérience
M. Lejeune Les Diablerets
1983 Spring Hampel: Robustesse
Marrazzi: idem
Rousseeuw: idem
Ronchetti: idem
Montfort: Séries chronologiques
Deheuwels: Estimation non-paramétrique
M. Lejeune Saas Fee