
79 enregistrements
Nom Prénom Social Université E‑mail Thème de la thèse Directeur /trice Année de soutenance
AHMAD Touqeer UNIGE E‑mail Modeling of discrete extreme values Carlo Gaetan
Philippe Naveau, Sebastian Engelke
AIGNER Maximilian UNIL E‑mail Operations Prof. Valérie Chavez
ARNOLD Sebastian UNIBE E‑mail Isotonic Distributional Approximation Prof. Dr. Johanna Ziegel
ARTHERS Samuel james UNIL E‑mail Conceptualisation of Perceived Interdependencies and the Analysis of their Impacts within the Climate Change Problematic Grégoire Zimmermann
Jean-Philippe Antonietti
AZIZI Ilia UNIL E‑mail Supervised Multi-modal Machine Learning with Data Interpolation & Model Interpretation Dr. Marc-Olivier Boldi
Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin
BAERISWYL Fabien UNIL E‑mail Cluster point processes, asymptotic properties and applications Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin
Prof. Olivier Wintenberger (Sorbonne Université)
BAKHTIARIZADEH Hamidreza IHEID E‑mail Essays on Development Economics
BLATTER Jeannine UNIL E‑mail Chirurgie thoracique/reconstructive (*domaine)
BOLLENRUCHER Mégane UNIL E‑mail Modelisation of dyadic intensive longitudinal categorical dyadic data Prof. Dr. Jean-Philippe Antonietti
Prof. Dr. Joëlle Darwiche
BORRACCIA Giovanni IHEID E‑mail Essays on Inflation Expectations Ugo Panizza
Cédric Tille
BOULAGUIEM Younes UNIGE E‑mail Indirect inference Prof. Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser 2025
CALDEROLI Andrea UNINE E‑mail Statistique Yves Tillé
CATHIGNOL Annie UNIL E‑mail Clinical Decision Support System in Drug Dosage adaptation Chantal Csajka
Yann Thoma
CHENG Mengling UNIL E‑mail The economic, social, and life-course antecedents of later-life multimorbidity in low- and middle-income countries: evidence from China Prof. Dario Spini
CHU Wenfei UNIGE E‑mail To be defined Stéphane Guerrier
CRISTINA Deidda UNIGE E‑mail Flood hazard in univariate and multivariate settings accounting for Compound Events Carlo De Michele
Sebastian Engelke
DALGA Delal UNIGE E‑mail Role of PCK1 in CKD deSeigneux Sophie 2026
DELITROZ Jim HESSO-VS E‑mail Existence and uniqueness of the power flows in AC electrical networks Robin Delabays
Florian Dörfler (ETHZ)
DIATTA Ibrahima D. UNIL E‑mail Missing data and imputation Prof André Berchtold
DIAZ Jairo UNIGE E‑mail Thresholding, testing, model selection, convex analysis. Sylvain Sardy
DONG Ziqing UNINE E‑mail sampling and official statistics Prof. Yves Tillé
EGLOFF Mattia UNIL E‑mail Informatical science and Mathematical Methods for human sciences François Bavaud
EUSTACHE Esther UNINE E‑mail Théorie des sondages Yves Tillé
FALCIOLA Justine UNIGE E‑mail Contributions to the theory and practice of latent variable modelling Jaya Krishnakmuar été 2020
FAUL Antoine UNIBE E‑mail Statistiques appliqués à la médecine David Ginsbourger
Ben Spycher
FAUL Louis UNIFR E‑mail Stochastic calculus Christian Mazza 2025
FELIX Manon UNIGE E‑mail Optimal Transport - Time Series
GANGL Selina UNIFR E‑mail
GNECCO Nicola UNIGE E‑mail Causal Inference Prof. Dr. Sebastian Engelke
GUO Xiaomin IHEID E‑mail International Economics Huang Yi 2022
HENTSCHEL Manuel UNIGE E‑mail Extremal graphical models Sebastian Engelke
ITEN Raphael UNIL E‑mail Changing risk landscape of private household using smart home technologies Prof. Joël Wagner
Prof. Angela Zeier Röschmann
JIANG Chaonan UNIGE E‑mail Statistics Davide La Vecchia
JURAJ Bodik UNIL E‑mail Extremal value theory Valérie Chavez 2025
LAVDA Frantzeska UNIGE E‑mail Prof. Alexandros Kalousis
LEE Tae Hoon IHEID E‑mail Three essays on Development and Migration
LI Danyu UNIL E‑mail meta analysis; rare events; causal inference. Patrick Taffé
LIU Dongmei UNIGE E‑mail smooth backfitting estimator and testing procedures towards duration models and actuarial sciences Stefan Sperlich 2028
LOESSL Ferdinand UNIGE E‑mail Field of thesis: Machine Learning for Macroeconomics
LOUP Romain UNIL E‑mail Analyse et prédiction spatio-temporelle d’un réseau de transport François Bavaud
MAIRAM ISCHKANIAN SCHMUTZ Rita UNIL E‑mail Social policy and inequalities Leen Vandecasteele
MASON Fabio UNIGE E‑mail Déclin cognitif
MATTEO Beatrice UNIGE E‑mail Functional data analysis applied to phonetic data
MÉTRAILLER Coline UNIL E‑mail Character network extraction and analysis: crossmedia perspective and application to videogames Aris Xanthos
MIGLIOLI Cesare UNIGE E‑mail Model Selection in High Dimensions Prof. Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser September 2023
PALLAN Hayley IHEID E‑mail Capital Controls
PASCHE Olivier C. UNIGE E‑mail Machine Learning Methods Well Suited for Extremes and Risk Assessment Prof. Dr. Sebastian Engelke
PITTAVINO Marta UNIGE E‑mail Additive Bayesian networks applied to Veterinary Epidemiology
POILANE Benjamin UNIGE E‑mail Thèse en statistiques. Sujet précis encore à définir. Eva Cantoni
PRALONG Lionel UNIGE E‑mail Etude méthodologiques d'analyse de données longitudinale Prof. P. Ghisletta
PRASANNA Ashreeta UNIGE E‑mail Household energy efficiency Dr Martin Patel
RAABE Alexander IHEID E‑mail Sudden stops of banking inflows and macrofinancial linkages Cédric Tille
RICHARD Xavier UNIFR E‑mail Biomathematics
SCATTOLIN Alice UNIGE E‑mail Locally stationary time Graph Signal Processes Davide La Vecchia
Shahin Tavakoli
SCHÖNGRUNDNER Patrick UNIGE E‑mail Methods to Account for the Stimuli Effects for Research Replicability in Psychology and Neurosciences Prof. Dr. Olivier Renaud Prof. Dr. Stefan Sperlich
SHAN Jiajun UNIGE E‑mail Factor Model in Finance Olivier Scaillet 2022
STANGE Philip UNIBE E‑mail Statistical inference under shape constraints Prof. Dr. Lutz Dümbgen
STEINERT Tim UNIBE E‑mail Expressing and inferring equivariance in probabilistic kernel methods with applications to sequential experimental design Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger 2027
STOLLER Andreas UNIFR E‑mail Impact Evaluation and Causal Machine Learning (titre provisoire) Prof. Martin Huber tbd
TALOVIC Ejub UNINE E‑mail Statistique et méthodes d'échantillonnages Yves Tillé 2026
TESSERA Gedamu g. UNIFR E‑mail fuzzy model Professor Laurent Donze
TRIPET Arnaud UNINE E‑mail Survey sampling Prof. Yves Tillé
ULAHANNAN Ambily UNIL E‑mail Remote patient monitoring of lung cancer patients undergoing multimodality treatment Prof. Manuela Eicher
VALVASON Christophe UNIGE E‑mail Small area estimation, simultaneous inference and mixed models Stefan Andréas Sperlich
VAN ES Anna UNIGE E‑mail A définir Prof. Eva Cantoni 2028
VINCENT Léonard UNIL E‑mail Tail risk, model uncertainty and structured reinsurance Hansjoerg Albrecher 2022
VINÉ Rémi IHEID E‑mail Immigration Economics Slobodan Djajic
VISONÀ Tommaso UNIBE E‑mail Random sets Ilya Molchanov Lutz Dümbgen
VIVIANA Celli UNIFR E‑mail Causal Mediation Analysis Prof. Martin Huber
Prof. Guido Pellegrini
VOIROL Lionel Alexandre UNIGE E‑mail Statistics Prof. Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser & Prof. Stéphane Guerrier 2025
WARTH Oliver UNIBE E‑mail Statistical Methods with positive-definite kernels Prof. Dr. Lutz Dümbgen
Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger
WICKI Matthias UNIL E‑mail Substance Use and Addictive Behaviours in the Context of Sexual Orientation, Mental Health and Personality Prof. Gerhard Gmel 2022/23
WU Jun UNIGE E‑mail Simulation-based Method Stéphane Guerrier
XU Ying IHEID E‑mail Financial market, banking and macroeconomics
ZHANG Yuming UNIGE E‑mail Stéphane Guerrier
ZHENG Yuanyuan UNIGE E‑mail Projet HERO, Human Extraordinary Robust Organism medical datascience Prof. Christian Lovis, MD, MPH, médecin chef du service des sciences de l’information médicale, hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, (HUG) université de Genève (UNIGE)
Mina Bjelogrlic, PhD, MA, ML group Lead, Division of Medical Information Sciences University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) University of Geneva (UNIGE)