These examples and code are taken from the upcoming book Bayesian Statistics: A Primer for Data Scientists, with R and Python by Agresti, Kateri and Mira.

Chapter 1

One item in the 2021 General Social Survey asked whether a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants it for any reason. The binomial outcome is \(y = 749\) in \(n = 1328\) observations. The sample proportion is \(y/n = 749/1328 = 0.564\). With the uniform prior distribution, for \(y=749\) and \(n-y = 579\), the Bayesian posterior \(g(\pi \mid y)\) of \(\pi\) is beta with hyperparameters \(\alpha_{1} = y + 1 = 750\) and \(\alpha_{2} = n - y + 1 = 580\). According to this posterior distribution, the range of plausible values for \(\pi\) is narrow, quite close to the sample proportion 0.564. The posterior \(P(\pi < 0.50) = 0.0000015\).

pbeta(0.50, 750, 580) # cumulative probability at 0.50 for beta distribution 
## [1] 1.510934e-06
#    with hyperparameters 750, 580 is 0.0000015

Code for the plot of the Beta posterior with hyperparameters \(\alpha_{1} = 750\) and \(\alpha_{2} = 580\) for population proportion who believe a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason. The ML estimate is located at the red diamond.

pi <- seq(0, 1, 0.001) # plot the beta posterior pdf
plot(pi, dbeta(pi, 750, 580), xlab="Binomial parameter", ylab="Posterior pdf", type="l")

#--> the code with which the figure below is produced follows:
p = seq(0, 1, 0.0001)
plot(p, dbeta(p,750,580),
ylab=expression("Posterior pdf  g("*pi*"| "*alpha[1]*","*alpha[2]*")"),
xlab=expression("Binomial parameter"~~italic(pi)), type ="l", lwd=2, col="dodgerblue4")

The posterior mean estimate of \(\pi\) is \(E(\pi \mid y) = \alpha_{1}/(\alpha_{1} + \alpha_{2}) = (y+1)/(n+2) = 0.5639\), the same to three decimal places as the ML estimate, \(\hat{\pi} = y/n = 749/1328 = 0.5640\). The posterior mode is \((\alpha_{1} - 1)/(\alpha_{1} + \alpha_{2} - 2) = y/n\), the same as the ML estimate. With R software, using the quantile function for beta distributions, we find that the posterior median is also the same as the ML estimate to three decimal places:

qbeta(0.50, 750, 580) # 0.50 quantile for beta dist. with hyperparameters 750, 580 
## [1] 0.5639418
#   is the posterior median

Example: Proportion Supporting a Woman’s Choice about Abortion

One item in the 2021 General Social Survey asked whether a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants it for any reason. Of 1328 subjects who responded, 749 said yes and 579 said no. The posterior distribution of the population proportion \(\pi\) who support a woman being able to get an abortion whenever she wants it is the beta distribution with hyperparameters \(\alpha_1 = 750\) and \(\alpha_2 = 580\). The 95% posterior equal-tail percentile interval has as its endpoints the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of that posterior distribution.

qbeta(c(0.025, 0.975), 750, 580)       # quantiles, values of beta hyperparameters
## [1] 0.5371820 0.5904555

Here we utilize the binom package in R, which can provide a wide variety of intervals for the binomial parameter. The output displays the frequentist large-sample 95% confidence interval and in the next line the HPD interval.

#install.packages("binom")              # installs package for future use
library(binom)                         # requests use of binom package
binom.confint(749, 1328, conf=0.95, method="asymptotic") 
# a frequentist 95% confidence interval
binom.bayes(749, 1328, conf=0.95, alpha1=1.0, alpha2=1.0) 
# HPD interval, uniform prior dist. is beta with alpha1 = alpha2 = 1

If the posterior distribution had not been a standard one available in software, we could have found an excellent approximation of the percentile interval by simulating a huge number of observations from the posterior distribution and then finding the relevant sample percentiles (quantiles). We show this in the next output.

postvalues <- rbeta(50000000,750,580) # simulate 50 million observations from posterior
quantile(postvalues, c(0.025, 0.975)) #                               beta distribution
##      2.5%     97.5% 
## 0.5371869 0.5904546
# approximate Bayesian 95% percentile interval
hist(postvalues)                        # histogram of posterior dist.

We next use this posterior distribution to find the posterior \(P(\pi > 0.50 \mid y)\) and \(P(\pi < 0.50 \mid y)\), to analyze whether we can conclude that a majority or a minority of the population support this right. We can determine these by using R to find the cumulative probability of the posterior distribution at the value 0.50.

pbeta(0.50, 750, 580) # cumulative probability at 0.50 for beta posterior distribution
## [1] 1.510934e-06

The posterior \(P(\pi < 0.50 \mid y) = 0.0000015\). Thus, \(P(\pi > 0.50 \mid y) = 0.9999985\), indicating extremely strong evidence that a majority of the population believe that a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason.

A corresponding result with frequentist statistical inference uses the \(P\)-value for testing \(H_0\): \(\pi = 0.50\) (implicitly \(H_{0}\): \(\pi \leq 0.50\)) against \(H_{1}\): \(\pi > 0.50\). Since \(y = 749\), this is the probability of observing \(Y \geq 749\) out of \(n = 1328\) observations when actually \(H_0\) is true, which is \(1 - P(Y \leq 748 \mid \pi = 0.50) = 0.0000017\).

1 - pbinom(748, 1328, 0.50) # one-sided (right-tail) P-value for binomial distribution
## [1] 1.712424e-06
#    equals 1 - cumulative probability

Likelihood principle

Not all frequentist statistical methods satisfy the likelihood principle. Some frequentist methods reflect the design for obtaining the data. For example, one can show that the best of \(\pi\) is \(y/n\) = 8/10 for the binomial experiment and \((y-1)/(y+1)\) = 7/9 in the negative binomial experiment. For testing \(H_{0}\): \(\pi = 0.50\) against \(H_{1}\): \(\pi > 0.50\), the \(P\)-value is \(P(Y \geq 8 \mid \pi = 0.50)\), which is 0.055 in the binomial experiment and 0.020 in the negative binomial experiment.

1 - pbinom(7, 10, 0.5) # pbinom(y, n, pi) is Binom(n, pi) cumulative prob. at y
## [1] 0.0546875
1 - pnbinom(7, 2, 0.5) # pnbinom(y, k, pi) is negative binomial cumulative prob.
## [1] 0.01953125
#    for y successes until k failures